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Cool Beans: Legumes Usher in Autumn

Cool Beans: Legumes Usher in Autumn

As we turn the page on September a feeling overtakes us. With what feels like little warning there is a difference in the light, and the temperature as the new season takes hold.

Stay Makeup Stay

Stay Makeup Stay

Powder on your t-shirt. Lipstick on your coffee cup. If life were still that simple. Mandated masks and face coverings have upended many of our daily rituals

Coffee 101, Straight From the (Middle Eastern) Source

Coffee 101, Straight From the (Middle Eastern) Source

Photos (except for the recipe shot from Ryan Castelaz) courtesy of Unsplash and photographers Annie Spratt, Anita Jankovik, Hoang Tran and Christiano Pinto.If you are a member of Generation X or an older Millennial, you probably came of age with the notion of “coffee...