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ALO Publisher Letter

This year has been a challenge without a doubt for all of us. We have endured the unexpected, from the loss of loved ones, to the loss of business, to our physical health and emotional distress. But despite all of it, it seems we are ready more than ever for 2021 with full anticipation, perseverance, strength and hope. Because no matter how much the pandemic has pushed our patience to the edge like we have never experienced before, it has absolutely proven our resilience, adaptability and surprisingly, our ability for innovation and personal growth.

In the spirit of the holidays, we want to share our warmest wishes and celebrate with you the imagined future. You have our heartfelt support and especially to the frontline heroes and their families and those who lost someone close to them due to COVID-19. It has been painful, but we hope that together, and with a shared vision we shall uplift the less fortunate and bring joy for the season and a blessings to all. The sacrifices we all made this year should be a pathway to enlighten all of us for the future.

This year, ALO has undergone many changes. We pivoted our strategy for online publishing. We are excited about the years ahead and we are set to make drastic pivots that will offer greater value for our community, advertisers, and to our partners.

What’s ahead? It will be a year of diversity and inclusion. We are poised to be on the forefront promoting our values and strengthening the position of the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern culture and its many contributions to the world.

While we continue to build our platform and bridge the gap between east and west, our mission will be to reflect the success of our community and how it is reflected positively in mainstream or embraced as a culture that we should all celebrate. Middle Eastern voices matter as well as other minorities. We will have a platform for you and we invite you to speak your mind and tell us about you and your challenges. Step up and make a positive change, we are here for you.

We have created an ambassadorship advocacy council #RiseAndCelebrate to discuss the future roles that we should all play in making our voices heard and make changes that reflects the true identity of our people. We encourage you to help shape the future image of our communities for generation to come.

We look forward to a stronger years ahead. Feel free to reach and schedule a one-on-one conversation to get it all going. Please email me at to provide any input, ideas, articles you would like to read. We are listening.. We can do this…

Wishing you all a safe, joyful and healthy holidays.